AIM | Alinari image museum

Alinari, the oldest photography company in the world presents a journey from photography to the image. The Photography is dematerialized into images thanks to digital technologies and can be enjoyed by visitors in a new multimedia and
interactive way.
An innovative museum, a new way of conceiving an exhibition venue. The emotions of photography In a high-tech space. Experiencing up-close the passage:
“From Photography to Image”

MBVision for Alinari Image Museum

Through a close collaboration with the AIM museum, the MBVsion team dedicated itself to the design and creation of multimedia materials for the exhibitions promoted and organised by the AIM museum in Trieste. Through this relationship of collaboration and trust, an exhibition entitled “Dirigibili – Airships. I Transatlantici del cielo” was promoted and organised.

From book to exhibition

Airships : : Designed for greatness, the illustrated book

Airships book is a wonderful tribute to 100 years of Airships through an innovative graphic design, extremely detailed plates and scientific and informative text.

From this wonderful book, an exhibition on the world of airships was organised and developed.

The exhibition

“Dirigibili – Airships I Transatlantici del cielo” 

(DIRIGIBILI | AIRSHIPS: Oceanliners of the sky)

The first-ever, comprehensive, multimedia and interactive image exhibition dedicated to the giant ships of the skies: airships.
In Trieste from 12 May to 16 September 2018, AIM presented “Dirigibles | Airships. I Transatlantici del Cielo”, promoted by Fratelli Alinari. Foundation for the History of Photography and MBVision.

Curated by Max Pinucci, and based on his book “Airships: designed for greatness, the illustrated history”.

51 photographic prints from Alinari and other historical archives, 18   plates and drawings, 120 historical digital images on high-resolution screens (4k) and video projectors, interactive installations (with touchscreen, gestural interaction, VR glasses), 2D videos (in infographics) on performance, dimensions, timelines, evolution, hangars a dozen models, from 1:720 to 1:200, stereoscopies and models in polarised 3D projection. Airships, people, drawings, were presented and organised within the exhibition.

A different exhibition space was organised for each content.

Along the multimedia trail, interactive stations provide an understanding of the structures, performance and routes of airships.
Performance and routes of the airships, while wearing a 360° immersive visor it is possible to explore the interior spaces, and the 3D cinema offers period stereoscopies, holographic films and digital reconstructions of the passenger lounges of the largest aircraft ever of the largest aircraft ever built, the LZ 129 Hindenburg.

Photographs and artwork

Printed and framed vintage photographs from archives including the Library of Congress, National Library of Norway, Heritage Command, and more.

Photographic quality artworks realised in mixed technique dedicated to the profiles of the most famous dirigibles in scale (1:400 and 1:700) large format (from 100 to 140cm of base), photographic giant prints

Digital Images

Digital photo gallery with images depicting airships, infrastructures and explorations that emotionally engage the visitor, thanks to the large format and quality of the photos accompanied by a soundscape

A digital exhibition in 4K – top quality resolution screens and video projection for a full immersion in the world of gigantic Airships.

Multimedia content and Interactive stations

A series of high-impact imagery and content that enhances the learning and understanding of airships and their ecosystem, shown through large format images (up to 100in tall) top quality (up to 4K) screens and high quality video projections, technical animations, movies, historical photographs and audio commentary.

Interactive devices and large-sized HD video projection. Visitors are invited to virtually immerse themselves into different models airships, discovering details and information about airhips.

Holographic screens and 360° VR viewers

Video projection on a special transparent screen, able to create the suggestion of a “holograms”, ethereal images perceived as three-dimensional and real. A series of characters telling anecdotes about life on board. A testimony, right from behind the scenes, of the great aeronautical events.

360° VR viewers are an opportunity for visitors to navigate through and around an airship in an immersive virtual format, where visitors can stand in front of/inside airships in an immersive virtual envirorment.

The team designed other aspects such as the ‘augmented’ showcases and the digital archive.

For the ‘augmented’ showcases, scale models of airships and masts (from 1:720 to 1:200) accompanied by dioramas were developed. Memorabilia, on-board instruments, clothing, original photo albums and stamps. All explained through captions and animations.

For the digital archive, interactive stations to browse through the collection of vintage stamps and postcards, postal cancellations and other materials from the historical archive. They have been developed for students and researchers.

An event that met with much interest and success on the part of fans and admirers. An exhibition that attracted the interest of visitors young and old.


In the July-August issue of AD (Architectural Digest, Condé Nast), four pages of an interview with Max Pinucci, curator of the exhibition “Dirigibili | Airships” curated by Mario Gerosa. Four pages dedicated to AIM and its exhibition on the giants of the air, profited by Fratelli Alinari, Fondazione per la Storia della Fotografia and MBVision

The exhibition had such an effect that it attracted the interest of the most important newspapers, which talked about MBVision’s work and the exhibition.


Via Boccioni, 1 56037 Peccioli (PI) Tuscany, Italy

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